The Editor,
St. Michael's College Alumni Newsletter
Dear Fr. Kelly,
I was delighted to see a picture of Dr. Peter Moloney on the front page of the Fall 1982 Issue of the Alumni Newsletter and to know that he is still alive. When in my first year at St. Michael's in 1945 I was introduced to Dr. Moloney he was was already approaching the normal retiring age of 60. during my stay at St. Mike's I spent many happy evenings at his home in St. Mary St. with some of my compatriats. I shall always remember the gentle way in which he threw us out of his house when we were reluctant to leave his stimulating company and I have the fondest memories of his dear wife. Truly,a remarkable man that St. Mike's can be justly proud of.
Victor Edmund, Port of Spain, Trinidad, W.I. (c. 1982)
1989 09 15
John: My brother Jim passed on your letter to him in which you advise the sad news of your father's death.
I was indeed saddened to hear of this, not because of any question that your father's star is shining brightly in heaven, but rather because you, your family, and those of us who knew him, realize that a great and good father, gentleman, scientist, and friend has gone out of our lives.
I remember the first time I met him - it was at your home on St. Mary St., on a Sunday morning after Mass at St. Basil's, and we went over on the invitation of your father and mother. By 'we' I mean my wife and I. There was a French lady there-very erudite and equally charming as only the French can be-a Mademoiselle Preveau if memory serves-who was eating shredded wheat. We had coffee. Most of all we enjoyed an easy and warm (certainly at times challenging) conversation, and we recall to this day the way your parents could make a memorable event out of the simplest of occasions.
I also remember, of course, the occasions when I visited him on St. Joseph St., and the fact that in all such encounters your father would get quickly into a meaningful discussion. He had his great sense of humour, very sharp memory, and empathy for people of all walks; so conversations with him were pithy and valuable. I always came away marvelling at his great gift of worthwhile conversation.
God will surely bless your good father, John, and with this prayer I join in your loss.
Kindest regards to your wife and family,
Mike O'Brien
A short exchange between Peter and his best friend and colleague Neil McKinnon about an article Peter wrote entitled Diptheria Toxoid in Canada published in the Canadian Journal of Public Health 46(2) 1955:
Neil, there are one or two places in this which I would alter, for reasons of clarity - Peter.
Peter - I see no place that you would need to alter for reasons of clarity. I don't know how you write now but in 1955 you must have had the knack. The first sentence of para 2 is a gem in itself. ("The travail which accompanied its (diphtheria toxoid) introduction is now all but forgotten.") Your reference to McKinnon and Ross is very kind. I haven't checked history for its validity - nor will I. You remember the 7 horses we killed (paralysis) at the Farm with incompletely detoxified toxoid. And Fitzgerald declared it "great - what would it have been if it had taken our child? I don't care if you kill 100 horses in getting an observation like that." He (Dr. Fitzgerald) really was great. -Neil
Dr. Moloney was on the Advisory Board of St. Michael's Hospital for many years. Below are two letters concerning this appointment.
3 Dec 61
Reverend Sister Janet
St. Michael's Hospital
Reverend and Dear Sister,
Some time ago I told you that it was my intention to resign as a member of the Hospital Board. Aand now I give formal notice of resignation.
I need hardly tell you that I have been privileged to have served on the Board. I have appreciated the opportunity which has been afforded me over the years, of association with men who have been dedicated to the welfare of St. Michael's. I must confess that the severing of this association comes with regret.
My reason for resigning is quite simply that I would have my place taken by a more active man.
I shall always have at heart the welfare of the Sisters of St. Joseph. I realize the high and essential role your communithy plays in the life of the Church and of our country.
With every good wish,
Peter Moloney
January 26, 1962
Dr. P. J. Moloney
66 St. Mary's Street
Toronto, Ontario
Dear Dr. Moloney,
We are very sorry to learn that you feel it is necessary for you to retire from the Advisory Board of St. Michael's Hospital. Your letter of resignation was presented to the Board at their meeting of January 23, 1962, and your decision was received and accepted with keen regret.
The ties of many years are not easily broken and for a man of your sincerity and devotion to any cause you undertake, I know this decision was a hard one to make.
On behalf of all the Sisters and the members of the Advisory Board of the Hospital, I wish to tell you how much we appreciate your interest in all the affairs of the hospital and our Community. You have participated in many of our problems over the years and we shall ever be grateful for your wise counsel, loyalty and advice.
Please do not sever your connections with us entirely, we would be very happy to have you call and see us at the hospital at any time.
We shall remember you in our prayers and may the coming years bring you happiness and many blessings.
Yours very sincerely,
Sister M. Janet