
Moloney Research


Dr. Moloney received several awards in the 1960s, and one of the most prestigious was the Gairdner International award. The Gairdner Foundation was incorporated in 1957 as a charitable organization funded by the personal gifts of James Arthur Gairdner (1893-1971) and members of his family. "In addition to encouraging and rewarding individuals who have made contributions in the conquest of disease and the relief of human suffering, the Foundation hopes that these international awards will assist in focusing public, professional and scientific attention upon significant achievements in the medical field. It is also hoped that the awards will contribute to improved communication of ideas among leading professional and scientific workers."


The Charles Mickle Fellowship and the Ellen Mickle Fellowship were established in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Toronto in 1921 by Charles' son Dr. William Julius Mickle who died in 1917 in Barrie, Ontario. According to the instructions in his will, the Fellowship is awarded to the person who in the opinion of the Faculty of Medicine has produced sound research advancing medicine in Canada in the preceding 10 years. Dr. Moloney was the recipient of this award in 1964.



Dr. Peter Moloney knew Dr. Charles Best very well. Moloney would be called in to assist with the purification of insulin, and it was the original work of Dr. Moloney that helped to solve this urgent problem, leading to his Ph. D. entitled "On the Purification of Insulin". They remained friends for many years, and in recognition of his supportive achievements, Moloney would receive the first Charles H. Best Prize in 1971 from Best himself at the banquet considered the highlight of the evening. This article, which summarizes this event which was held north-west of Montreal in the Laurentian mountains at Mont Gabriel, Quebec on October 14-15. There were only 55 invited participants. Dr. Moloney presented his paper "Immunity and Induced Immunotolerance to Insulin" at this conference on October 14. 


"Neil, there are one or two places in this which I would alter, for reasons of clarity.-Peter.

Peter-I see no place that you would need to alter for reasons of clarity."

Dr. Moloney requests the advice of his friend and colleague Dr. Neil Mckinnon about the article that follows, a historic summary of diphtheria toxoid in Canada written by the man who worked out its first production in North America. First, more of the note from Dr. McKinnon.


Leading British, American and Continental research workers studying the biochemistry and physiology of carbohydrate and protein metabolism in relation to the action of insulin were invited to take part in this Symposium, which was convened by the British Insulin Manufacturers and held under the chairmanship of Professor F. G. Young. Dr. Moloney was the only Canadian invited to this symposium held in London, Sept. 9 and 10, 1958. There were 77 participants, including Sir Henry Hallett Dale.

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