Please help spread the idea of "True Science" -- that truth does not contradict truth.
The development of this short documentary and its promotion (PR) will help support scientists with a solidarity that they are part of a growing movement of scientists for whom their belief in God, the Creator, helps and perfects their science.
Our goal is to spread "True Science" -- that the guiding principle of scientific enquiry, indeed the root of scientific method itself, is to remain open to those factors which help create the conditions for discovery. "Chance in the prepared mind."
Even a little goes a long way, the price of a coffee every week -- will sustain our primary mission of promoting not just the legacy of Dr. Peter Moloney, but of encouraging scientists of faith.
In the words of Louis Pasteur himself,
“A little science takes you away from God but a lot of science takes you back to Him… Question your priorities often, make sure God always comes first… The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator.”
And elsewhere he writes, “You pass from matter to life because your intelligence of today cannot conceive things otherwise. How do you know that in ten thousand years, one will not consider it more likely that matter has emerged from life? How do you know that the incessant progress of science will not compel scientists to consider that life has existed during eternity, and not matter?“
Moloney writes -- “What is the animal closest to man?” “Monkeys” was the nearly unanimous reply.
In terms of immunology however, Dr. Moloney would argue, “One might say that in respect to leprosy, the armadillo can be considered closer to man than any of the animals so far observed.”
“ I remember that during the 1918 plague of influenza, monkeys were chosen as possibly useful animals for the study of the disease. However, the injection of the virus into monkeys showed no detectable symptoms. A number of years later it was found that the ferret when injected with influenza virus became fevered. This points to the fact that with respect to the influenza virus, the ferret is close to man.”
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