

Press Kit


In the race to find an anti-toxin for diptheria and a treatment for diabetes -- the heroic contributions of Dr. Peter Moloney, a man of faith in his scientific peers, his country, and his Catholic beliefs, whose life work of bio-medical purification has given a new lease on life to millions, should roll easily off the lips of school children across Canada.

Nobel prize winners for insulin, Drs. Banting and McLeod, owe special recognition to Dr. Peter Moloney, without whose purification technique of spring 1922, insulin would have remained unusable.

In the shadow of the 1923 Nobel Prize awarded to Banting and McLeod, key scientist Moloney made significant contributions: a man whose life's work of biomedical purification has extended millions of lives.



Dr. Peter Moloney was a man of tremendous importance in the early years of Canadian biochemical development, and was responsible for many discoveries which have changed the course of history. Along with his great wealth of scientific knowledge, Dr. Moloney possessed a firm belief in his Catholic faith, which was crucial to how he treated his work, family, and scientific colleagues; as his profile in The Canadian Public Health Archives states, he was a man of “sterling character”. To find a man who blended scientific dedication of such magnitude with an unshakable religious belief is truly inspiring.


Mysterious Silence

Despite his scientific achievements, which have extended numerous lives and contributed greatly to the growth of true science in Canada, he is relatively unknown among the scientific community and the world at large. The work for which Dr. Moloney is not generally given credit for includes:

1. The preparation of the first large number of doses of usable insulin by perfecting the process of large-scale purification.

2. The first production of diptheria toxoid in the world.

3. The completion of a system of extraction and purification for penicillin.


All three of these accomplishments were of urgent and critical importance to the scientific community, especially as they pertained to the treatment of incurable illnesses.


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