
The Life of Dr. Peter Moloney


Dr. Moloney was on the Advisory Board of St. Michael's Hospital for many years. Recollections of Michael O'Sullivan, Director of the S.M.H. Biochemistry Department 1941-1973 show how Dr. Moloney was the key figure in updating the laboratory from its unsatisfactory condition to a modern facility, which was a major factor leading to its prominence as a world class health facility.


Gaston Ramon, who became a close friend of Dr. Moloney, discovered the vaccine for diphtheria at the Pasteur Institute in Paris in 1922. An authoritative biography of Ramon follows, in french. Three letters appear first from Dr. Moloney to Ramon, which show the extent of their collaboration and friendship.


Dr. Peter Joseph Moloney, Ph. D., LL.D., O.B.E., F.R.S.C., has made internationally recognized contributions to chemical and immunochemical research, leading to improvement in the field of medicine. In this little book he draws upon science and the Christian Faith in his reflections upon human life.



Travel documents here witness silently to Peter's presence in Berlin; his stay was to end with a rush to safety just days before hostilities began with declaration of war on August 4, 1914. Peter went there with Fr. Henry Carr, C.S.B., his lifelong friend, to improve his German. Having learned it during childhood from the Grawey family, he would eventually need formal training in order to be able to read German scientific publications.


Although Banting and Best discovered insulin, they did not have the know-how to purify it. It was Dr. Peter Joseph Moloney who was to successfully purify the first large amount of insulin for the world market, using a technique he brought to the Toronto lab from his earlier work, thus securing fame for Banting and Best. 

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