Quick Facts

Purified Insulin
First to purify insulin successfully on a large scale in 1922, thus providing insulin to the world after its discovery in 1921 and securing fame for Banting and Best.
In 1923, the Nobel Prize committee honoured Banting and John James Richard Macleod with the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of insulin, ignoring Best. This incensed Banting, who voluntarily shared half of his award money with Best.

Faith and Integrity
Son of Irish immigrants, first biochemist hired by Dr. J. G. Fitzgerald, assisting biochemist with Drs. Banting and Best, Professor at the University of Toronto, Biochemist with Connaught Labs.
"Most important of all, Peter Moloney was marked by faith – faith in his fellow scientists whom he defended consistently against accusations of in-fighting, faith in Canada, faith in his Church."

He was told to "drop everything and start producing diphtheria toxoid", and Moloney gave North America and eventually the world, diphtheria toxoid, first discovered by Gaston Ramon in France.
He also invented the quick acting pH electrode, won the Gairdner Award, and more, including the Order of the British Empire for producing a gas gangrene antiserum during the second World War.
Behind Insulin
Behind Insulin is the first published biography based on the memoirs of Dr. Moloney.
A well-researched and precious document of Canada's pre-eminent biochemist, it traces his interactions with leading medical men of the 20th century. Encounter him at his Ontario frontier town roots, and follow his path to academic excellence at the University of Toronto. Relive his visits to Europe through his own eyes, and begin to appreciate this great figure, not yet widely know to Canadians.
Dr. Moloney lived through all the advances of immunology as a generous and heroic participant. Devoted father of five, attentive husband, and blazer of a trail to excellence in his field, discover the life of Dr. Moloney and discover the story Behind Insulin.
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1974 Audio Interview
A Mysterious Silence
Behind Insulin: The Life and Legacy of Dr. Peter Moloney
Biography by Synan
Charles Mickle Fellowship Award 1964
Connaught’s Longest Serving Employee
Diphtheria Toxoid
Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa
A few Numbers
Disease and War
Dr. Peter Moloney's era was one of disease and war. His bio-medical work helped to save millions of lives.
Before 1922, diabetic children rarely lived a year after diagnosis. Five percent of adults died within two years, and less than 20 percent lived more than ten.
Before known treatment, diphtheria was fatal in up to half of cases and "the strangler" was a major cause of illness and death among children.
Gas Gangrene, or the anaerobic infection of war wounds represented 10 to 12% of all dead of wounds in war. This mortality rate fell between 0.3-1.5% in WWII.
“Dr. Moloney was probably the single most influential person in my life and I will never forget him."
Family History
A Small Town Boy
Peter Joseph Moloney was born in Penetanguishene, Ontario, on 29 June 1891. When he was two years old his father undertook the management of a hotel in Powassan, Ontario, and moved his family to the town of which Peter was to say in an extreme old age, “I can almost claim to be still a citizen of Powassan.”